Wednesday, March 16, 2011


after reading what is happening to the people of japan the troubles i perceive in my life are nothing but trivial. my thoughts and prayers are with the my friends from japan and their families as well as the nation as a whole.

Monday, February 28, 2011

for my birthday i got a double treadle spinning wheel, an ashford kiwi. these are two of the first skeins of yarn that i spun on it. lately i have postponed knitting in order to spin, where there used to be scraps of yarn there are now loose hairs in a multitude of colors. rex hasn't killed me yet...

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

neckties and urban decay

a necktie, hand knit using doubled-up bamboo yarn and knit in a traditional aran seed stitch pattern.

this building is really beautiful, i took these pictures a month ago, the building looked the same two days ago.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

more garters

Hand knit mercerized cotton wedding garter with bamboo tape yarn

Hand crocheted soy garter with bamboo soy tape

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Handmade Wedding Garters

A friend of mine got married last summer and I decided that I was going to knit her wedding garters. That one project turned into an addiction and I found myself knitting and crocheting lace at every available occasion. Here are just a few of the garters that I have made over the past year.

This is the garter that I made for my friend's wedding, it is hand knit and 100% vegan made from bamboo yarn and a synthetic ribbon.

One of my most recent creations and a personal favorite. Hand knit and 100% vegan

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

I think that a pet sheep would be the perfect animal. it could live in a pen in my backyard next to the shed and a garden full of plants specifically for dying. This particular lamb was at the Maryland Sheep and wool festival a few years ago and his little horns made him look somewhat demonic while being super cute.

I have concocted this fantasy in my head where I run around a farm chasing sheep and shear them and make yarn and felt from the fleece. The likelihood of such an event is somewhat is low but one can only dream.

While vacationing in England and Ireland
with my family I ran along the country sides with my camera in hand chasing sheep trying to capture the perfect picture to use as a reference for drawing. Oh yeah, I also shouted "SHEEPIES!" while pursuing the rather unimpressed flocks.

Monday, May 17, 2010


Armed with what used be my grandmother's Sears Kenmore sewing machine, three drop spindles, a set of hand carders, numerous awls, yards of waxed linen thread, bolts of fabric, more knitting needles and crochet hooks than I know what to do with and large tupperware stuffed with skiens and cones of yarn, I am going to begin documenting my process and successes and failures.